Rhinestone Nose Ring Indian Nath

“Unveiling the Enchanting Beauty of Nath: A Traditional Indian Nose Ring”


India, a country renowned for its cultural diversity and rich heritage, is a treasure trove of traditional accessories that beautifully reflect its arras of customs and traditions. Among these captivating embellishments, the Nath occupies a place of profound significance.


 This exquisite nose ring, worn with pride by women throughout India, exudes an undeniable allure, epitomizing the elegance and grace of Indian traditions.


The design of the Nath is a testament to the exceptional craftsmanship and art. The temple-style Nath of South India further captivates with its ornate filigree work and elaborate patterns, exemplifying the rich artistic heritage of the region.




This is the traditional Indian nose ring, most commonly worn on the left nostril. Designs vary, based on traditions followed in different parts of the country. The Punjabis of north India wear the Shikarpuri Nath, consisting of a big gold ring with a slender chain connecting it to the hair. The nath is often adorned with precious stones and gems, even along the connecting chain.


A simpler version of the Shikarpuri nath is the nathni, popular among the women of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The Maharashtrians wear the guchhedar nath, which comes in interesting shapes and is adorned with gems, stones, and pearls. Among the women of Kerala and Karnataka, the nath takes on the shape of a lotus or a swan and is known as the mukkhutti.


Origin and History:

Nose piercings came to India through the Mughals in the sixteenth century. In India a nose stud is called “phul” and a nose ring is called “nath”. The Nath has its roots in Indian history and mythology that date back many millennia.


The Ramayana and the Mahabharata, as well as sculptures and paintings, refer to it. The Nath's style and design have developed over time in response to India's many cultures and regional differences.


Symbolism and Significance:

The Nath holds great symbolism and significance in Indian culture. It is frequently connected to marriage and is a crucial component of the bridal party in many cultures.


A woman's marital status is indicated by her wearing a Nath, which is also regarded as auspicious and brings luck to the marriage. The Nath is also thought to emphasise a woman's features and add a hint of elegance, enhancing the beauty of her face.


Design and Variations:


The Nath's various designs, which reflect each region's distinctive craftsmanship and artistic traditions, are found throughout India. The Kundan Nath, which is embellished with priceless gemstones and delicate enamel work, is very well known in Rajasthan.


The traditional Marathi culture is reflected in the Maharashtrian Nath, which has a characteristic crescent shape with pearls and coloured stones. The temple-style Nath is famous in South India and is distinguished by its complex decorations and fine filigree work. Every variety embodies the distinctive cultural identity of the place to which it belongs.


Contemporary Adaptations:

Although the Nath has strong traditional roots, it has also made an appearance in modern fashion and trends. Younger generations are drawn to contemporary versions of the Nath that feature lightweight designs and fusion components.


 Designers and makers are experimenting with various materials and fashion trends, adding characteristics like geometric shapes, odd colours, and minimalist designs. The Nath will continue to fascinate and resonate with people's changing preferences thanks to this blending of heritage and modernity.


Cultural Significance:

In the Hindu culture, for all women, the nose ring is a symbol of being married. It is believed that a girl should only wear a nath on the day of the wedding and continue to wear it till the time she is married. Getting the nose pierced is also seen as paying respect to Goddess Parvati.


Regional Variations:

The Nath has developed differently in different parts of India, with each region contributing its distinctive twist to the design. The Nath is larger and frequently has complex features and complicated designs in North India, notably Rajasthan. The 'Rajasthani Nath,' which can be imposingly big and heavy, is what Rajasthani brides typically wear.


Revival and Modern Adaptations:


Traditional jewellery, such as the Nath, has seen a rise in popularity in recent years. To adapt current designs to shifting tastes and preferences, many contemporary designers and artisans drew inspiration from classic designs. These contemporary Nath designs serve a broader demographic, including people who want to appreciate tradition's beauty while embracing modern style.


Types of Nath:


Traditional Maharashtrian Nath:

This traditional piece of jewellery can be worn on heavy traditional sarees, along with gold jewellery. This type of nath is popular in Maharashtra, India. It is characterized by a large, round pendant called "moti" that hangs from the nose. The moti is often embellished with pearls, gemstones, or intricate designs.


Punjabi Nath:

This style of nath is commonly worn by Punjabi brides. It consists of a sizable ring that surrounds the nostril and is frequently adorned with precious stones and elaborate patterns. Naths from Punjab are distinguished by their unusual round shape and intricate workmanship.


Rajasthani Nath:

The Rajasthani nath is a prominent part of the traditional bridal attire in Rajasthan. shape and intricate workmanship. It is distinguished by a sizable, crescent-shaped ring that wraps around the entire cheek and is embellished with priceless gems, pearls, and exquisite patterns. Rajasthani naths are frequently hefty and elaborate, reflecting the region's rich cultural legacy.



South Indian Nath:

In South India, naths are typically smaller and simpler in design compared to other regions. They are usually made of gold and feature a single small stud or ring worn on one nostril. This style of nath is often worn on special occasions and weddings.

Final words:

The Nath has a unique place in Indian culture that cuts across generations and borders. It has stood the test of time as a representation of tradition and beauty and is still a popular accessory among ladies all over the nation. It is a genuinely unique item of jewellery due to its detailed craftsmanship, symbolic meaning, and regional differences.


The Nath is still prized for its capacity to heighten a woman's grace and elegance, whether worn on special occasions or as a regular ornament. The Nath preserves the spirit of tradition and highlights the beauty of India's unique culture as the nation goes forward as a tribute to its rich legacy.